Saturday, July 30, 2011

Relieve the Pain with Naprapathy

IF you are struggling against the pain and lazy way to medical treatment, you can use alternative medicine naprapathy, long-term treatment that has proven to be safe, as an option to relieve pain.

Naprapathy treatment can overcome the pain on the connective tissue using hand manipulation, nutritional counseling, and sometimes by way of therapeutic modalities such as heat, high frequency sound, and cold laser therapy.

Connective tissues, including ligaments, tendons and muscles, is material in the body that function to support other body parts.

"Naprapathy a hand manipulation therapy for connective tissue, coupled with nutritional counseling," said dr. Paul Maguire, President of the National College of Naprapathic Medicine in Chicago.

"This therapy is not attacking, so there are no side effects, and is a good and successful therapy," said Maguire. In addition, this therapy has been practiced over a long time and proven results.

"Naprapathy is a manipulation of a weak system that could ease the pinched area that causes neurological disorders," he explained.

According to Maguire, naprapathy effective for treating pain in the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome), back pain, headaches, neck pain, knee strain, stiff, sore shoulders, and elbows.

A recent study published in The Clinical Journal of Pain, and involved 400 participants, found that those treated with naprapathy showing symptoms of healing and reduce the inability to move.

Compared with standard medical treatment suggestions, including recommendations for reducing the pain and stay active, treatment naprapathy 28% were able to reduce pain and 18% better reduce the risk of inability to move.

Based on these studies, in general, those who take medication naprapathy, experienced 44% improvement or healing of the body condition than those who did standard medical treatment.

"Manual manipulation of connective tissue can also help relieve the pain of fibromyalgia, as well as some rheumatic disorders," he said.

• Mind-Body Therapies Relieve Fibromyalgia Symptoms

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