Friday, July 8, 2011

Food Tips After Sports

WHAT is the best snack to enjoy after a workout? How about a bowl of wheat cereal, a piece of food that contain turmeric, or non-fat latte. Each option contains special ingredients that can help your body recover better and relieve pain after exercise.

What is actually owned by this snack but not owned by others? There are three elements: carbohydrates, turmeric, and caffeine.

Carbohydrate-rich snack such as cereal can help you overcome fatigue by giving glycogen, it is necessary substances your muscles to generate energy. Turmeric, a substance found in the spice turmeric, can help relieve muscle inflammation. And caffeine from coffee can help block the production of a substance that makes muscles sore.

Here are also tips for sports you are more comfortable and avoid pain:
1. Warm up first.
2. Stretch muscles longer.
3. Take aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs two hours before doing heavy physical activity (with a prescription and doctor's approval of course).

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