Monday, July 4, 2011

Foods Sharpen Memory

YOU easy to forget? Try to consume foods that can improve memory. What foods can help your memory? Of course. Studies that examine the focus of food and memory show that the more you consume foods that are good for memory, the memory will get better.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School studied more than 13,000 women for 25 years. The results showed that participants who consumed large amounts of vegetables over the years have less risk of experiencing memory loss.

Four lidded vegetable flowers (cruciferous vegetable) and leafy vegetables (green leafy vegetable) was instrumental in helping women maintain their memory during the study period. In addition, foods rich in anthocyanins and quercetin is also excellent for improving memory.

Here are some foods that can improve your memory:

Studies have shown that blueberries can improve memory and maintaining brain health in general. Old mice that were fed blueberries had the same score with young rats during tests of memory. Blueberries contain anthocyanins, phytochemicals that are known to improve memory. In addition, blueberries also contain other phytochemicals that are important for maintaining brain health.

Apples are rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that has proven effective in protecting the brain against Alzheimer's disease. Although quercetin is also found in the flesh of the fruit, but most of the quercetin found in the skin. In addition, red apple skins also contain anthocyanins. 

A study conducted in mice showed, spinach prevented and even reversed memory. It is believed that high folic acid content is widely available on the spinach. These nutrients are also believed to be protective against age related memory loss or Alzheimer's disease. 1/2 cup cooked spinach alone is sufficient 2/3 of your daily requirement of folic acid.

Onions contain anthocyanins and quercetin. Not only the onion, garlic also contain quercetin. In India, onion is used as remedies to sharpen memory for centuries.

Broccoli contain quercetin. Moreover, broccoli is also a source of folic acid.

Red beet
Beet also includes a rich source of anthocyanins and folic acid.

Grape, both red grapes, purple or black are rich in quercetin and anthocyanins. Red wine also contains phytochemicals, but most wines will eliminate all the positive benefits. Consume no more than one drink per day is a sensible way.

This fruit is one type of red foods that are rich in anthocyanins.

Eggplant is rich in anthocyanins. In addition, eggplant also contains nasunin, antioxidants that protect cell membrane lipids in the brain.

Researchers have found that the content of carnosic acid in rosemary can protect nerve. in addition, these substances also can prevent Alzheimer's disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. One study even found that the scent of rosemary can improve memory of the employees.

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