Monday, July 4, 2011

8 Simple Ways to Increase Energy

YOU may easily be realized when completely drained of energy. When you can not stand it any longer to watch the actual film is very long you've been waiting for, it means you are exhausted. However, you may not realize when you begin to lack energy, since it is usually not accompanied by classic symptoms of fatigue such as muscle pain or feeling tired all-out. 

Today, maybe you just getting lazy to do a lot of activity that normally you love. Or, you start learning difficulties, impatient, and irritable when confronted with the little things that normally you can tolerate. You begin to experience this? Do not let your daily activities affected by this problem. Here are some ways that can be your guide in increasing energy levels. 

1. Increase your magnesium consumption 

Eating a balanced diet can help you meet the needs of vitamins and minerals that the body needs. But, if you still feel lazy, you may begin to magnesium deficiency.

According to nutritionist Samantha Heller, MS, RD, of New York University, this mineral is required in more than 300 biochemical reactions that take place in the body, including the breakdown of glucose into energy. "So, if the mineral content is reduced, less energy will also contribute , "Heller said, quoted by WebMD site. 

In a study conducted at the Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center in Grand Forks, magnesium-deficient women had a faster heart rate and require more oxygen in the working of physical activity compared with when their magnesium levels had returned to normal. In essence, the light of Heller, the body must work harder when magnesium deficiency. As a result, the body will be exhausted. 

According to Heller, magnesium intake should be about 300 milligrams per day for women and 350 milligrams for men. To ensure that you get adequate magnesium consumption, Heller suggests: 
•  Adding a handful of almond into your diet every day. 
•  Increase your consumption of whole grains, especially whole grain cereals. 
•  Eat more fish. 

2. Walking 

When fatigue, walking may be the last thing you think. But, try it. Experts say, physical activity, particularly roads, can boost energy. In an experiment conducted Robert Thayer, PhD, at California State University, a brisk walk for 10 minutes not only boost energy, but the effect will be felt up to 2 hours in the future. And, if the activity of brisk walking 10 minutes is continued for 3 weeks, the energy levels and mood will improve. 

3. Siesta 

Research has shown, information overload or force the brain to work too hard can drain energy. You can handle it by napping. Studies conducted the National Institutes of Mental Health found that napping for 60 minutes not only will eliminate the effects of brain fatigue caused by information overload, but also makes you able to remember and retain what you've learned. 

4. Do not avoid breakfast or other meals 

Studies show that people who eat breakfast have a better mood and more energetic throughout the day. Not only is breakfast, based on studies published in the journal Nutritional Health, avoiding one of the meals throughout the day can lead to a greater feeling of fatigue throughout the day. 

5. Reduce stress and deal with your anger 

Stress is one of largest energy scraper. Stress is the impact of anxiety, and anxiety takes a lot of your energy. Just like fear, according to Paul Baard, PhD, of Fordham University in Bronx, NY, stress can make you mentally and physically exhausted, even if you spend a whole day in bed. 

With much the same way, anger is not expressed can also reduce your energy levels. You will exert all effort to save the feelings of anger, and it is certainly very tiring. Therefore, begin to defuse your anger by doing relaxation, listening to music, reading novels, or tell your feelings to someone who you think could be trusted. 

6. Drink plenty of water and reduce alcohol 

Thirst can be a cause of fatigue. According to nutrition expert Keith Ayoob, EdD, RD, associate professor of the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York, even a little dehydrated can make you feel tired and exhausted. 

The solution, drink water. It is very important to increase energy levels, especially after exercise, when your body really needs fluids. In addition, if you often feel tired so get up early, when you feel a deep sleep, it's time to reduce your alcohol consumption. Although alcohol may help you fall asleep, alcohol also interfere with sleep. That way, you do not get enough rest. 

7. Increase consumption of whole grains and less sugar 

The key is to keep blood sugar in order to stay balanced so that energy is also constant. When eating sugar, blood sugar will rise, thus increasing energy. It will then be followed by a rapid decrease in blood sugar that makes you more tired. In contrast to sugar, whole grains are digested slowly so that the energy release is also taking place slowly and steadily. 

8. Choose energy sources snacks

Choose snacks that contain a combination of carbohydrates, protein, less fat and fiber. You could try a cracker with peanut butter or yogurt with a handful of nuts. Carbohydrates will raise the energy, proteins maintain stable energy, and fat to make energy last longer. 

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