Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ten Fiber Sources Foods

AS you already know, fiber has many benefits. Fiber can help you lose weight. Why? "Fiber will fill your stomach and act like a sponge. 

Fiber slowly digested and absorbed, thus you will feel full for a long time, "says Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, from the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic Dietitian." Fibre also helps expenditure dirt, and helps lower cholesterol in the blood. " 

Here are the food sources that contain lots of fiber: 

1. Beans. Many variations of food that can be made of beans, such as salads, bean burritos, chili, soups, and so on. 

2. Grains. Including wheat bread, pasta, and so on. 

3. Brown rice. Since white rice does not provide much fiber. 

4. Popcorn. Popcorn is a good source of fiber. 

5. Nuts. Like, Almonds, pecans, and walnuts contain more fiber than other nuts. 

6. Baked potato with skin. WebMD says, precisely the source of fibers in the skin potatoes, washed with a clean home you can eat potatoes with the skin. 

7. Berry fruits. Everything from seeds and skins contain good fiber.

8. Bran cereal. Actually, other cereals that contain 5 grams of fiber or more in its presentation contains high fiber. 

9. Oatmeal. Both are cooked, microwaved, oatmeal is a good fiber. 

10. Vegetables. The more intricate, the better.

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