Monday, July 25, 2011

Tips on Removing Wrinkles

ARE you worried facing the old days?, Wrinkles and skin firmness own a scourge for women. There are several things you can do related to your lifestyle.

1. Sleep on your back 

Wrinkles on your face becomes a scratch on the surface of your skin and do not disappear. Sleep on their side will be able to add wrinkles on the cheeks and chin, while sleeping face down gives you wrinkles on the forehead. To reduce wrinkles on your face, is sleeping with the supine position.

2. Eat more fish 

Not only salmon has a source of protein that can form the skin tissue, it's also the best source of essential oil commonly known to us with Omega-3. Nicholas Perricone, MD a Dermatology says that Omega-3 can make the skin look younger and supple, but it also can help reduce wrinkles. 

3. Use Glasses 

AAD says, if there is movement or shift of the face such as eyes squint, because the eye muscles move too much, so that forming such a trench under the eyes. Form of the trench was going to turn into wrinkles. Do not let this happen, use reading glasses if you do need. And get to know about the types of glasses, which can protect the skin around the eyes against the sun's damaging rays and keep your eyes squint. 

4. Use the Alpha-hydroxy Acids (AHAs) 

Alpha-hydroxy Acids fruit resulting from natural acid that contains elements that can remove dead skin cells, reduce fine lines wrinkles on the face around the eyes. Just mention the fact that with high concentrations, Alpha-hydroxy Acids can stimulate collagen production. 

5. Replace Coffee with Chocolate 

In a study published in 2006 in the Journal of Nutrition states that chocolate contains flavonols with high levels (epicatchin and catecin) that serves to protect the skin from sun damage, improve circulation to skin cells and make skin look and feel softer. 

6. Never Wash Face Too Often

Based on data Marylend dermatology at the University Medical Center, the water can make the skin to peel and separate the skin from a moisturizing oil content that protects the skin from wrinkling. Do not wash your face too often and reduce the use of facial soap, except facial soap that contains moisturizers that protect the skin. Use a facial cleanser instead of soap. 

7. Try Vitamin C 

Research at Tulane University found that vitamin C can increase collagen production, protect the skin from the negative effects of UVA and UVB rays, correct pigmentation problems, skin and improve skin inflammation. The key, vitamin C is needed. 

8. Eat More Soy Products 

Research shows that soy may help protect and repair sun damage. One study published in European Journal of Nutrition supplement reports that soy products (which also contains vitamins, fish protein and white tea extract, grape seed and tomato) improve skin structure and firmness after six months.


  1. Great tips on how to remove unwanted wrinkles! Thanks for sharing them with us! I also have wrinkles around the eyes and I can't wait to get rid of them! I'll surely try those methods mentioned above...My best friend also recommended me a Richmond Hill fraxel treatment for wrinkle removal. Maybe, this procedure will also help me eliminate all these undesired wrinkles. I hope I'll be a good candidate for it! Wish me luck!

  2. Eat more soy products... Yup... Just forgot to tell that soy affects the work of thyroid and can be a reason for a cancer growth or at least increase in weight...

  3. It’s really an amazing and informative article regarding Tips on Removing Wrinkles.I appreciate your post because you have mentioned some important tips to protect skin from the harsh effects of wrinkles. Thank you for sharing this well described article.
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