Monday, July 25, 2011

Fatigue Can Be a Symptom of Serious Illness

Do you including people who easily tired until he is able to do a job you should be doing?. Fatigue can be a symptom of serious illness, experts say most of the fatigue caused by several things that you do not realize. Let's identify some diseases cause fatigue:

 1. Anemia

The problem occurs when bleeding cause the body lacks of hemoglobin (red blood cells), the iron is in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to other body parts. When the soft tissue and other organs are not getting enough oxygen intake, that can cause fatigue. 

Other causes of anemia include internal bleeding or iron deficiency, folic acid or vitamin B12. Anemia can also be caused by chronic diseases such as kidney disease. Symptoms can include dizziness, feeling cold and feeling emotional. 

To find out a diagnosis of anemia, your doctor will give you a blood test. Treatment usually consists of an iron supplement (if you are iron deficient), and adding iron-rich foods such as spinach, broccoli and red meat. 

2. Too Much Caffeine 

Most of us will consume coffee or cola type drinks to boost energy, but for some women caffeine may cause the opposite. 

In an article published in the journal U.S. Pharmacist, written by W. Stephen Pray, PhD, RPh, reports that caffeine is a stimulant, but if you eat too much, will lead to something not good for health

"In some patients, will cause fatigue if consumed in excessive amounts," said Pray. And if you think that this means you will increase the amount of caffeine intake to avoid fatigue, that was not the case. "Several attempts were made to solve the problem by adding caffeine to relieve fatigue, but caffeine makes it worse," he said. 

The solution, reduce the intake of caffeine in your diet to a minimum. Not only reduce consumption of coffee, but also chocolate, tea, soda and even some medications also contain caffeine and can cause you to fatigue without you even knowing the cause. 

3. The thyroid gland is under active 

Based on data from the American Thyroid Foundation, at the age of 60 years about 17% of all women will have abnormalities in thyroid gland and most do not know about it. The most common cause, is due to an autoimmune disorder or known as Hashimoto Thyroiditis

This condition is caused by damage to the cell body that produces thyroxin and other hormones released by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism can cause the body's metabolism becomes increasingly slow. 

Blood tests known as T3 and T4 can detect thyroid hormones. If this hormone is low, then the synthetic hormones can make your metabolism faster and your body's condition will be better.

4. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 

"Not all women recognize the obvious symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection. Some are not even recognizable symptoms, except fatigue," says Goldberg. 

In some cases, Urinary Tract Infection are caused by bacteria found in the urinary tract, sometimes due to cleaning after a bowel movement that is not hygienic (ie, clean from the front backward). Sexual intercourse may increase the risk, because it can push bacteria from the vagina into the urethra. 

If your doctor says that you are exposed to Urinary Tract Infection, your urine will be checked. Treatment is quick and easy, and usually use an antibiotic drug that is swallowed. And reduce fatigue caused by Urinary Tract Infection about a week or less. 

5. Food Allergy 
When food is supposed to give us energy, some doctors believe there are foods that make us allergic. Based on the writings Rudy Rivera, MD, who wrote Your Hidden Food Allergies Making You Fat, even mild food can make you feel sleepy. Eating foods that are heavy enough, then you will feel tired constantly. 

If you suspect that food is making you yawn a lot, start with an elimination diet, that is by no longer eating foods that cause you sleepy for 10 to 30 minutes to eat them. You can also consult with a physician about food allergy tests or perform tests at home as ALCAT, which may help you identify foods. 

6. Sleep Apnea 

If you are not getting enough sleep, then certainly you are experiencing fatigue. But do you realize that you are getting enough sleep?, This condition is often the case, known as Sleep Apnea. 

That is a sleep disorder that causes you to momentarily stop breathing, and often occurs during sleep at night. Every time you stop breathing, you will wake up long enough for your sleep disturbed by the condition. Hint for you, says Goldberg, that you are experiencing constant fatigue no matter how long your bedtime every night. 

Sleep Apnea is caused by the way your breathing is compromised, often occurs in women who are overweight or obese. Snoring can also be a sign of sleep apnea. Diagnosis is needed in the sleep lab or sleep apnea disease specialist doctor. 

If you have sleep apnea, your doctor will recommend to change your lifestyle, including eating less and stop smoking. Medical treatment, including devices or drugs that can make your airway open while you are asleep. 

In extreme cases, surgery can be done to open the respiratory pathway. In addition, sleep apnea can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack

7. Heart disease is undiagnosed 

If you find yourself exhausted after the move lightly, maybe it's time you consult your doctor about your chances of getting heart disease

"But that does not mean you should find yourself panicking when you are yawning," Goldberg said. "For some time, fatigue is not an early sign of heart disease, and usually connected with something less serious." 

At the same time, Goldberg says that heart disease causes more deaths in women.

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