Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Overcome PMS with Contraceptive Pills

PRE-menstrual syndrome (PMS) that affects about 75% of women of childbearing age is one form of mental health disorders related to women's reproductive cycle. Modern contraceptive pill could be an alternative to relieve the symptoms of PMS. 

PMS symptoms include physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms are usually fatigue, weakness, lethargy, headache, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, sweating, impaired appetite and sexual desire disorder. Psychological symptoms of melancholy, irritability, anxiety, impaired concentration, loss of interest, and sleep disorders. These symptoms arise because in the days before menstruation occurs hormonal changes in women's bodies. 

To cope with PMS can be done through the medical and non medical therapies. One of non medical measures suggested is a method of charting. That form of making a diary detailing the various symptoms before menstruation. 

The method helps a woman to recognize the changes that happened to him throughout the menstrual cycle. Thus, in the next month a woman can better anticipate the physical and psychological problems experienced in the days before menstruation. 

Medical therapy to cope with PMS can be done partly by hormone therapy. To that end, the modern contraceptive pill could be an alternative therapy. 

Technological developments have resulted in the contraceptive pill with drospirenone active substances that are not only useful for birth control, but also overcome the problem of PMS. 

Drospirenone is a substance that has anti-mineralocorticoid properties. These properties can reduce the symptoms of PMS such as a feeling of fullness in the abdomen/bloating, improve your mood and complaints of other menstrual pains. These benefits are already proven through various studies. 

In developed countries modern contraceptive pills are commonly used to handle cases of PMS. However, in developing countries their use has not been too popular. Even for his own purposes the use of the contraceptive pill is still accompanied by wrong myths. For example, the contraceptive pill makes dry womb so it difficult to get pregnant again, it can cause cancer, cause acne and weight gain. 

The truth is modern contraceptive pills containing dospirenone actually lowers the risk of uterine and endometrial cancer, the most rapid return of fertility, does not cause weight gain and can smooth the skin.

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