Monday, July 11, 2011

Depression Recover With Lifestyle

DEPRESSION can cause you to feel powerless. But there are many things you can do for yourself to improve your mood, help your recovery, and keep healthy

Do not be a passive patient who relies on medication, you also can overcome the depression with a good lifestyle. You can do to overcome depression, among others: 

1. Exercise. Many studies have shown that regular physical activity can do to help you feel better when you're in recovery from depression. Whatever exercise you do, no problem. Pick something you like.

2. Get some sunshine. By getting a little sun, then you can get a better mood. 

3. Enough sleep, but not too much. Depression and sometimes the treatment, can disturb your sleep. Some people with depression sleep too much, while others experience insomnia

4. Eat healthy foods. Diet will not cure or prevent depression. You only need to focus on the basics, such note calories, multiply the meal was the vegetables, grains, and fruits, and limit fat and sugar.

5. Do the things you love. When you're in a recovery period of depression, you may not feel like going and having fun. Take your time to do the things you enjoy. Plan a fun one that has not to do. 

6. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and some drugs can make depression worse. If you think you have a problem in the misuse of such materials, immediately looking for help now. Dependence or abuse can hinder your recovery from total depression. 

If you want to try other treatment alternatives, maybe you could try relaxation, meditation, massage, or acupuncture.

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