Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Obesity Cause Infertility

DID you know, an unhealthy lifestyle in women can cause menstrual disorders resulting in infertility?. 

Many factors can cause infertility. One is menstrual disorders due to hormonal imbalance. And that can result from an unhealthy lifestyle that befall many women in big cities.

Fatty foods, lack of exercise, stress is a lifestyle that we often find in women's careers in big cities. Fatty foods (high cholesterol) is the source of the formation of estrogen (the main female hormone), if too much will cause excessive menstrual blood.

Obesity due to excessive eating and lack of exercise will result in the issuance of leptin in fatty tissue which affects the central regulator of menstruation in the brain so that it will disrupt the menstrual cycle menstrual be so rare (oligomenorea) or until no menses at all for significant periods (amenorrhoea) who ultimately cause infertility

Besides that obesity will stimulate the production of testosterone (the primary male hormone) by the child's glands kidneys. By fatty tissue in obese women body, testosterone is converted to estrogen as a result of high estrogen hormones. Estrogen stimulates brain eminence will release the hormone LH (luteinizing hormone) that impact on the production of androgens (male hormone group) in the ovary. Thus, obese women will have estrogen and androgen levels are high. Consequently, in case of menstruation, the blood that comes out will be a lot. 

High estrogen hormone is also potentially cause breast cancer and cancers of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterus). In addition, also found women with the influence of male hormones such as the onset of whisker, hair, face, feet and voice heavy and oily skin and acne. 

For this reason, it is important for every woman to keep the weight to avoid obesity and exercise regularly. And not least, do a good stress management. Therefore, the uncontrollable stress also triggers the release of hormones that interfere with the menstrual cycle.

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