Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Healthy Foods Increase Child's Energy

CHILDHOOD is an important period, because at this age children learn many things in their life. 

Children also typically have a lot of activity, ranging from school, play, lessons, tutoring, and so on. Therefore, they need healthy foods that can continue to supply nutrients for the body and brain. 

There are some foods that according to the researchers contains many nutrients that not only helps build a better brain, but also can help school-age children to be able to focus in managing their schedules, sat quietly during story time, and still have energy to play. 

Indeed, this food is not your child's favorite foods. But if you're patient and keep trying to give them food regularly, then maybe they will start to like it. Here are tips for you:

1. Breakfast
Do not give a breakfast containing a high sugar content. Foods with high sugar levels can damage the child in mid-morning energy. The ideal breakfast should contain complete protein and carbohydrates, which can last longer. Some studies show that breakfast is not only a child can maintain energy throughout the morning, but also improve the coordination of motor nerve, says Steven Zeisel, MD, a researcher at Duke University. 

The content of choline and vitamins are found mainly in eggs and peanuts, the content is an essential ingredient for the formation of memory cells, which formed in our brain. The more cells we have, the better our memory. 

But giving the egg the child must be considered. There are children who have an allergy after eating egg. For babies should not be given the egg yolks until the age of 8 months, and egg white until 1 year of age. 

Granting that contain wheat oatmeal are rich in fiber may also be included at breakfast. Oatmeal gives children a lot of energy intake, the same as the provision of protein. Let the kids add a sweetener such as brown sugar, or syrup, but do not let them add the sugar. Choose products that contain 130 calories or less. 

2. Lunch 
What children eat at lunch will have an effect on their energy until the afternoon. At least, lunch children must meet three requirements, calories, vitamins, and minerals. 

At lunch, you can present a rich wheat sandwich bread. Not only is fiber-rich whole wheat bread, but bread is rich in starch are widely used commercial bread makers are also rich in folate and vitamin B that is used to manufacture the memory cells in the brain. "However, because many families who follow low-carbohydrate diet, they forgot the bread, cereal, and orange juice, where everything is a remarkable source of folate for the child," Zeisel said. You can try to present the bread with peanut butter and jelly added, or low-fat cheese on whole wheat bread. 

For full nutritional drinks, fat-free milk could be an option. Milk is known as a good source of protein, vitamin D, and phosphorus. But calcium also affects how our bodies regulate energy and perform an important role in shaping the insulin. Diets with low-fat dairy foods could protect children from obesity. To serve that kids love, add chocolate or strawberry syrup. 

For disruptive constipation problems at school and at the time of the move, are often experienced by children. Fruits, as long as balanced with exercise and drinking lots of water, is the best way to keep the stamina of children, and avoid the Environment for constipation. Chop the fruit, and take it to school in a plastic lunch box. Children are running around, so do not let them dehydrated due to lack of water intake. 

3. Dinner 
Iron deficiency is common in children, especially in America, and became the number one cause disruptions in worldwide nutrition. The decline in school performance could be symptoms. In fact, the lack of even small amounts can cause a decrease in cognitive function, said Mary J. Kretsch, PhD, a researcher at the USDA-ARS Western Human Nutrition Research Center in Davis, CA. 

Lean beef is one of the best sources of iron absorption. Additional to the brain, cuts of beef contains zinc, where zinc deficiency can weaken a little memory. Do not forget to always serve vegetables and fruits.

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