Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A to Z Vitamin C

VITAMIN C is also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin anti-oxidants which are water soluble. Vitamin C is used to assist in the synthesis of collagen and dentin. Collagen is a structural component of blood vessels, bones, ligaments (ligaments), and muscle, while the dentine is a structural component of teeth. 

Vitamin C is also an effective anti-oxidant that protects proteins and genetic material (RNA and DNA) from damage by free radicals.

Foods rich in vitamin C include fruits and vegetables like oranges, grapes, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, and sweet red peppers. 

Severe vitamin C deficiency will cause disease bleeding gums. Therefore, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C (10 mg / day) is very important to prevent gum disease is bleeding. This disease can occur in developing countries where food is eaten very little vitamin C. 

Here are the benefits of vitamin C: 

1. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol particles believed to play a role in atherosclerosis that can trigger heart attacks and strokes. Antioxidants such as vitamin E and C can be trusted to resist oxidation and slow the progression atheroclerosis. But studies of the benefits of vitamin C in preventing and combating heart attacks is still under debate, because the role of vitamin C against disease is still vague. 

2. Research shows that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables associated with reduced cancer rates. Some studies also show high levels of consumption of vitamin C may lower the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, colon, and lung. 

Vitamin C if consumed in excess also have side effects, such as: 

1. In general, vitamin C is safe. High doses of vitamin C can cause stomach disorders in adults and has been reported to cause kidney stones. Consumption of high doses of vitamin C can also cause hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells because of anemia in patients born with a deficiency of an enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). 

2. High doses of vitamin C can interfere with blood thinning action by warfarin, Coumadin (drugs commonly used to prevent blood clotting). Therefore, patients who are taking Coumadin is recommended not to take vitamin C doses without medical supervision. 

Healthy adults do not need to consume vitamin C supplements, they just need to eat 5 serving per day of fresh fruits and vegetables with a multivitamin (an average multivitamin containing 60 mg of vitamin C) every day. Fresh fruits and vegetables are not only rich sources of vitamin C but also contain anti-oxidants and anti-cancer, phytochemicals, more profitable. 

Those who need to be given more attention eat more vegetables and fresh fruits: 

1. Older individuals sometimes the consumption of vitamin C was not enough, 
2. Those who are taking birth control pills that contain estrogen can make vitamin C content in the blood is lowered, 
3. Those who take aspirin regularly can make vitamin C content in the blood decreases due to the increased excretion of vitamin C in the urine.

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