Thursday, July 21, 2011

Folic Acid Reduces Birth Defect Risk

TAKING supplements of folic acid before pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects at birth. Increasing consumption of folic acid and high levels of folate in the blood associated with levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood and reduce the risk of heart attack

In a study involving women in large amounts as quoted medicinenet sites, those who consumed the highest folic acid (usually in the form of multivitamins) had fewer heart attacks less risk than those who ate little folic acid.

Research has shown that consuming alcohol can increase the risk of colon and breast cancer. Alcohol can interfere with the absorption and metabolism of folate, and folate is important in maintaining and repairing DNA damage. DNA damage is believed to cause cancer formation.

For women who want to have children, recommended taking a supplement containing 400 micrograms of folic acid before pregnancy. This is because adequate levels of folate in the body is very important in the early stages of pregnancy

All healthy adults are also recommended taking a multivitamin containing 400 mcg of folic acid every day. In addition, patients who have heart disease due to increased levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood should consult with their physician. These patients may require high doses of folic acid supplements (higher than 400 mcg) as well as supplements of vitamin B-6 and B-12 to lower homocysteine ​​levels. 

Patients who experience folic acid deficiency, which is associated with alcohol or hemolytic anemia (anemia due to severe damage to red blood cells) requires high doses of folic acid supplements are more than 400 mcg per day. But it would be better if prior consultation with your doctor. 

Folic acid is a synthetic chemical compound that has the same biological effect with folate. Folate and folic acid is an important part of vitamin B in the process of DNA synthesis and in the process of solving homocysteine ​​(an amino acid that can cause damage to blood vessels).

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