Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vitamin B-12 Prevent Dementia

PEOPLE with low vitamin B-12 low in the blood a decade now, after testing, showed early signs of dementia, the disease decreased mental abilities and one's memory. Dementia can affect your way of thinking, planning, and memory recall.

However, blood tests commonly performed are not sufficient to detect vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 appears only when the researchers looked at methylmalonic acid (which increases when the body lacks vitamin B-12) or holotranscobalamin (indicating active vitamin B-12).

People aged 55 years or more may lose its ability to absorb B-12 binding protein naturally, so they should take a multivitamin or eating foods that are fortified with at least 6 micrograms of vitamin B-12.

This study does not prove that low levels of B-12 may lead to memory loss, but a deficiency of vitamin B-12 that can cause severe nerve damage that can not be modified to look like Alzheimer's disease.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these tips to prevent Dementia. It's a great help for people with this kind of illness.

    Dementia Clinic


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