GOOD news for people with osteoporosis given by researchers in New York. As reported health Media HealthDay News, researchers recently found tirotropin can prevent osteoporosis and even reshape the bone tissue. Tirotropin or better known as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is a hormone that regulates thyroid hormone secretion.
Tirotropin known to have a role in bone re-absorption. Mone Zaidi of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, said the results made the researchers optimistic about the possibility tirotropin therapy for women who have osteoporosis.
Even so, the study can not answer about the possibility of adverse thyroid hormone release triggered tirotropin. The reason, according to Zaidi, the possibility could not be investigated through their test animals.
Even so, tirotropin therapy in postmenopausal women who had thyroid cancer has been shown to not push the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
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