Saturday, August 11, 2012

Withdrawal Therapy for Addicts

Currently there are therapies that can cure drug addicts. The therapy is the treatment of withdrawal (withdrawal therapy) is now beginning to be done by some hospitals.

With the withdrawal therapy, can cure addicts desire to consume drugs, but it all depends on his or her addiction. If the desire for recovery is strong, it can deliver maximum results.

In the process of withdrawal therapy there are some therapists including a doctor, psychologist or psychiatric doctors and religious scholars. An expert on religion is very important, because it can provide a very deep spiritual motivation, and religion is also a fundamental basis.

In such therapy, a light most addicts do not take up to 7 months to recover and reintegrate into society, but then again, it all depends on the user.

The process of withdrawal therapy is a process of detoxification. In this process the patient monitoring by a doctor, given naltrexone and budrennofin that is an antagonist to inhibit the effects of the attacks caused by heroin. This process takes about a week or two weeks he added.

In addition to the provision of naltrexone and budrennofin, treatments or therapies that are used can also be done at home or in other words self-detoxification. Here the role of the family is very important, that addicts are able to survive in difficult conditions.

Use of budrenorfin is new in treating drug addiction through therapy even in France, as the origin of the drug, has been produced since 1997.

These drugs also have side effects. The use of naltrexone in a period of more than one year can cause liver damage. Buprennofin can be used up to two years, because the use of these drugs does not pose a risk of liver damage.

There are some common side effects in the use of these drugs, such as constipation, headache, nausea, fatigue, not powered, sleep disturbances, and sweating. At the start of therapy, there will be withdrawal symptoms or mild withdrawal symptoms compared with detoxification with naltrexone.

Organ function disorders

Presence of organ damage in drug addicts by 70% of all addicts hanging weighing what dependence to drugs.

Organ disorders from head to toe no longer are avoided if the addict is an active drug user. Drugs ruin the pleasure pathways that exist in the human brain, and it was stimulated by a psychoactive substance that can cause withdrawal.

Organ function disorders caused by heroin, marijuana and other illicit drugs were cerebrovascular (brain disorders), cardiovascular, angina pectoris (chest pain) because it could be exposed to the risk of heart attack, gastrointestinal (digestive problems), as well as fertility problems such as menstrual disorders in women and impotence in men.

Respiratory problems and muscle aches also occur in drug addicts. Drugs do not give opportunity to the organ of our body to stay healthy.

•  Addict Mother and Child's Brain
•  Alcohol and Drugs Cause Suicide

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