Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tips for Choosing Fresh Fruit

FOR fans of the fruit, choosing fruit in the store would be a tricky thing. Unless you have a garden of fruit or buy from farmers at local markets, which usually sells fruit 'ripe perfect' and also still fresh picked from the tree. However, for the urban life, store the fruit of course the only easy option. The problem is, these shops usually provide fruit supplied from distant places, can be imported or shipped from the countryside.
Although in the delivery, the fruits were covered with paper materials that are not damaged until the destination, but it does not guarantee the fruit is not disabled.

Not all fruit is harvested when ripe. But it could be more soft, watery, and not sour, and the sap turns into a sweet taste after the fruit is picked. So it is very important to choose fruit with excellent quality when you shop at the grocery store. There is a type of fruit which need not matured at home, including: oranges, grapes and pineapple. The fruits should be refrigerated immediately on the input or become rotten. 

Fruits that have matured in the home include: Bananas, pears, papaya and kiwi. Fruits of this type emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the process of maturity. Place the fruit of this type in a paper bag and close the upper part to assist these gases can not evaporate out, and make the fruit to ripen faster. Bananas, in general, many produce ethylene gas, so if it is closed in a paper bag along with other fruits, would accelerate the maturation process. Check regularly to avoid fruit so rotten. 

After the fruit ripe, place in cold and damp. But, these fruits also need space to 'breathe', so do not be wrapped in plastic bags. Open the plastic from the supermarket before putting it in the refrigerator. 

Here's a guide to choose the fruit at the fruit shop: 

The fruit is supposed to be hard when pressed and crispy when bitten. If you can hit the surface of the fruit with your fingers, this sign will feel disappointed if eaten. This fruit may only be able to survive for several weeks in the refrigerator. 

This fruit should be yellow or green without any brown. Bananas, including the type of fruit that matured quickly, so choose a half-baked. Contrary to popular belief, you can store it in the refrigerator after the fruit is ripe. His skin may change color so dark, but inside it was still tasty. 

The fruit is usually sold in a state hard enough on its surface. However, some of which may already be cooked, but others are not yet ripe. Brown fruit for several days at room temperature. But when choosing, avoid melons that the crust soggy. 

The fruit is the freshest condition while still located in the stalk. buy grapes that is still attached to the stalk is green. Avoid selecting the grapes are wrinkled and flabby, it marks almost rotten. The fruit is chosen in a ripe state, so directly input the refrigerator after purchase or after a while. 

The fruit has exceptional quality care. Usually oranges are picked when ripe. Choose fruit that is soft and smooth-skinned. Skin color does not guarantee the taste. Fruit is small to medium sized usually sweeter than the larger ones. Save the oranges cool place, and it will last up to several weeks. 

The fruit is worth buying when the circumstances are still tough, but it will mature quickly if placed in your kitchen. When was a little soft when pressed, the time you move the fruit into the refrigerator or on the serve. 

To choose this fruit, knock your finger on the fruit, if the sound resonates, it's the best fruit. Turn the melon until you find the former point stems. If yellow, the melon has been completely cooked, if it is white, is not yet ripe. Once cut, the remaining fruit should be included refrigerator and can be eaten in several days. 

With some of the tips presented above, hopefully you can choosing the perfect fruit and avoid fruit rot and defects. Good luck!

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