Thursday, August 18, 2011

MRSA, the Antibiotic Resistant Bacterium

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that causes infections in several different places on the body. It’s very difficult to heal wounds that most caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, or staph for short, because of its resistance to various antibiotics.

Symptoms of MRSA itself depending on which part you are infected. Mostly are due to minor skin infections.
But it could also be caused due to serious skin infections or wound infections after surgery. Usually characterized by swelling of the infected skin, the form of red bumps and sometimes ooze pus.

During infections caused by MRSA is not serious, can still be cured. Many health experts are reminiscent of the spread of MRSA bacteria. Because it is very difficult to cure, MRSA also known as the super bug.

Staph bacteria many perched on the nose and skin of healthy adults without infection. But staph can be a problem when trying to enter the body through wounds and cause infection. Staph is one of the most frequent causes of infections of the skin making, especially in the United States. Typically, the wound inflicted minor and require no special care. But if left unchecked, staph can become serious problems such as wound infection or pneumonia severe.

Staph can usually be cured with antibiotics. But for more than a decade, some types of staph, such as MRSA, become resistant to antibiotics that once destroyed it. MRSA was first destroyed in 1961. And now MRSA is immune to methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, and various antibiotics.

While some other antibiotics can still work, MRSA is gradually adapting. Researchers are currently developing a stronger antibiotic to banish MRSA.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) spreads by contact. So, you can catch MRSA just by touching someone who has been infected. Or you can get when touching something that contained the bacteria MRSA.

However, recently has discovered one of the treatments that can counteract MRSA. Essential oils are commonly used as aroma therapy was found to kill MRSA bacteria.

MRSA usually infects a person who has a weak immune system and the people who lived in the hospital, nursing home and some areas of health. So far, the deaths caused by MRSA bacteriums are still high.

With Essential Oils

Researchers from Manchester University announced that they have identified three essential oils that can kill the MRSA bacteria and even E-Coli bacteria within two minutes of contact.

"This oil can be packed into the form of soap and shampoo to use hospital staff to stop the spread of deadly bacteria. We believe that our discovery could be used to combat MRSA and other super bug," said Peter Warn from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Manchester.

Researchers tested 40 essential oils against 10 deadly bacteria and fungi. Two of the oil was immediately killed MRSA and E Coli instantly, while third oil takes a little longer.

The reason essential oils are very effective, said Jacqui Stringer, Head of Clinic and Complementary Therapies at the Christie Hospital as quoted Nutraingredients site. This is because oil has a complex chemical content, which found that MRSA and other super bug will find it hard to become resistant.

Current treatment against MRSA has rapidly made MRSA are becoming resistant and only achieve success by 50 percent. Meanwhile, essential oils also have the advantage of easy to use, but were to eradicate the bacteria.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is not as popular as other diseases in United States, but it would be much better if we remain vigilant against various attacks of the disease.

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