Friday, July 29, 2011

Alternative Asthma Treatments

THERE are many complementary and alternative medicine treatment of asthma from breathing exercises until healing with herbs. Not much information about the success of this treatment, but many people who try and claim to feel better. Here's the evidence that supports:

3 alternative asthma treatments that promising:

Still more research is needed to determine the level of effectiveness, but the breathing exercises, yoga and physical exercise are some complementary and alternative medicine treatment of asthma is the most promising.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises can improve your quality of life, reduce asthma symptoms and reduce the amount of medication needed to control asthma. Here are two breathing exercises that have been studied:

1. Buteyko Breathing Technique. This technique teaches you to reduce the frequency of breathing. In addition, this technique is also taught how to do relaxation and stress reduction, medication use, nutrition and general health.

2. Papworth Method. Relaxation techniques and breathing techniques here include breathing through the stomach, nose and how to match your breathing with activity no matter what you do. Some evidence suggests, this technique significantly reduces the symptoms of asthma. If you decide to try this breathing exercise, you should pay attention to the instructions of the video or guide books.


This type of exercise has been done for thousands of years. There are several types of yoga, but all teach a series of stretching process. also combines yoga breathing techniques, which can help reduce symptoms of asthma. Although it still needed more research to determine the effectiveness of yoga in treating asthma, yoga can relieve stress and improve fitness in general.


You can and should remain physically active if you suffer from asthma. Staying active will help control asthma symptoms and keep you healthy. Regular exercise strengthens the lungs so the lungs do not have to work too hard time breathing. Try to do 30 minutes of physical activity every day.

If you've been inactive, start slowly and increase your physical activity slowly. You do not need to do all your physical activity simultaneously. Doing something that could pump blood and makes you breathe harder for a period not too long, say 10 or 15 minutes, will be help.

Remember, when exercising in cold weather will lead to the emergence of symptoms. If you exercise in cold temperatures, wear a face mask to warm the air you breathe. And do not work out at temperatures below 0 degrees. Activities such as golf, and swimming will not trigger symptoms but consult with your doctor to determine what type of exercise that is safe to do.

Drug complementary and alternative medicine

Although some people have tried, there has been no clear evidence whether the following treatments effective for treating asthma.


Stick acupuncture needles into specific points on various parts of the body. Although some evidence suggests that asthma symptoms have reduced with acupuncture treatment, but yet there is enough solid evidence to prove it.

Relaxation therapy

Relaxation therapy techniques include meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis and muscle relaxation. Although these techniques can reduce stress and make your body fitter, but it is still unclear effectiveness of relaxation therapy techniques to asthma. Research shows that muscle relaxation techniques may improve lung function.


Homeopathy aims to stimulate the healing response of the private body by using some substance that can cause symptoms. In healing asthma, homeopathic healing is made from substances that normally trigger asthmatic reactions, such as pollen or weeds.

Muscle Exercises

This technique helps to strengthen the lung muscles by doing a series of breathing exercises using special breathing equipment. Lung exercise of this type often used to treat lung diseases such as chronic respiratory disease, and also to strengthen the lungs after a certain operation. There is not enough data to prove the effectiveness of this technique in dealing with asthma.

Healing with herbs

Healing herbs including gingko extracts and vines have been used to help overcome the symptoms of asthma. However, studies have not been clear about the benefits of this herbal treatment of asthma. Herbal medicines can cause side effects and interact with medicines from the doctor, and herbal remedies may not have a consistent dose and may also contain harmful substances. So, consult with your doctor before trying herbal remedies.

In most cases, the necessary studies to prove more effective in treating asthma therapy. However, remember that the lack of solid evidence does not mean that treatment is not effective. No harm in trying, let alone proved safe treatment combined with asthma medication other than herbal medicines, which may be harmful for some people.

If you intend to try alternative medicine or treatment moisturizer, be sure to consult with your doctor, and continue your regular treatment. Although alternative treatments are helpful, but if to control asthma, alternative medicine can not replace medicine and advice from doctors.

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