Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back Relax with Savasana

THERE are many ways for refreshing the body and mind, one of which is with yoga. There are many techniques in yoga that you can apply to be able to relax your mind and body.

There is one technique in yoga called savasana. Savasana is the yoga techniques with a sleeping position like a corpse.
The word savasana itself comes from the Sava which means the bodies and Asana means posture.

Physiologically savasana can relieve stress, be able to rest all parts and systems of the body. The position of relaxation as in savasana is the most important relaxation techniques and easily practiced. You can perform movements savasana wherever you are.

To make the position of savasana, find a comfortable place for your relaxation. Lie on the floor, stretch the leg and your hands too with palms facing up. If it feels uncomfortable, you can add a blanket as a cushion when you lie down. Keep your body in a relaxed state and set your breath.

Then, do the movement that begins with the foot rotated in and out slowly to a count to five. After the foot, now do the same for your arms. Stretch your back and relax your body parts. Do abdominal breathing and feel the force of gravity that brings the weight of your body and make you more relaxed.

This position does look easy, but to get the maximum relaxation is not as easy as imagined. Once you do savasana, also do other yoga movements that aim to relax your body getting maximum.

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