Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Autism

CHILDREN with autism can lead a normal life if given the proper therapy. Currently available several types of therapy for children with autism. One of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a way to deliver oxygen at higher air pressure on someone to correct certain conditions. 

Autism occurs due to a disturbance in brain function. Conditions of oxygen deficiency is one of the causes of the disorder. Conditions that are improved with hyperbaric therapy.

 In practice, people who underwent hyperbaric therapy were entered tube. Tube and then drained of oxygen and air pressure inside the tube is raised to 1.3 atmospheres absolute.

In normal conditions, oxygen is inhaled from the breathing air brought the red blood cells to the entire body. In hyperbaric therapy, with high air pressure, oxygen is driven into every cell of the body through all body fluids, including plasma, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid. 

The cerebrospinal fluid, surrounds the brain and bone marrow. Thus, each brain cell will get the flow of oxygen is greater than in normal conditions. The flow of oxygen to brain cells that can improve brain function so that the symptoms of autism are caused by lack of oxygen in the brain can be repaired. 

Further in accordance with the principle works, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is very suitable for people with autism who have an indication of lack of oxygen. For example children with autism with a history of in utero during the umbilical cord wrapped up his heart rate down, long stuck in the birth canal, was born with blue body and not burst into tears. 

Seeing the condition of the brain deprived of oxygen can be done with the help of a special scan tool. With such a device can be seen, the brain is starved of oxygen pale. 

Typically, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is repeated regularly. Old therapy in each session is usually about 1 hour. However, before undergoing this therapy autism should undergo initial examination first. 

In addition to improving brain function, in general the extra oxygen obtained from hyperbaric oxygen therapy is also useful to enhance the ability of white blood cells to fight infection, improve resistance to disease, forming new capillary blood vessels, kills anaerobic germs in the intestines, and helps every organ in the body function better. 

Therefore, in addition to autism, hyperbaric therapy is also useful for patients with stroke, migraine, and cerebral palsy or paralysis of the brain due to lack of oxygen.

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