Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fill Bone Nutrients with Nano Calcium

Adequacy of calcium is one factor that can prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by reduced bone mass and changes in microarchitecture of bone tissue so that bones become brittle and break easily. 

In adult humans, the bone has a cycle of new bone formation and bone destruction of the old process called remodeling. The process is influenced by two cells ie cell osteoclast and osteoblast cells. 

Osteoclasts are cells that work to absorb bone, serves to destroy and dispose of old bone cells and die. After several weeks, osteoclast cells will disappear and osteoblast cells will arise to form the cells of the new bone. 

After age beyond 30 years, little by little eroded bone deposits. It happened due to work so that more osteoblasts slow bone cells are destroyed than formed. Eventually, the bones become thin, brittle, and porous. 

First thinning occurs in the lining of trabecular bone (bone lining the inside) without damaging the hard outer layer (cortical bone). The condition is called osteoporosis

Each day the adult body requires about 800-1000 mg of calcium per day. The amount is to cover the calcium released by the body through the kidneys 650 mg and 350 mg of feces per day. If the amount is not met, then osteoporosis will occur more quickly. In the vitamin D needed to absorb calcium and A to form glycosaminoglycans which is a basic ingredient of bone, and vitamin C to form collagen which keeps bones strong. 

Calcium can be obtained from milk products, such as cheese, yogurt. In addition we can obtain the calcium intake of sea fish, green vegetables and fruits. Calcium can also be obtained from dairy products high in calcium. 

In fact, current technological advances are able to create products with the content of 'nano-calcium'. Namely calcium with particle size a hundred times smaller than regular calcium. Thus, the calcium becomes more easily absorbed and enter the cell.

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