Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Recognize the Causes and Types of Vertigo

VERTIGO is a condition of dizziness that feels incredible. A person suffering from vertigo feel as if spinning around, is caused by balance disorders, based in the area labyrinth or the cochlea in the ear. 

The feeling is sometimes accompanied by nausea and want to vomit, even the patient was unable to stand and sometimes fall because of balance problems.

The balance of the body is controlled by a small brain that gets information about the position of the body of the organ of balance in the middle ear and the eye. Vertigo usually occurs due to disturbances in the middle ear and or visual impairment. 

Vertigo is not due to heredity, but there are several factors that cause vertigo such as a migraine attack, inflammation of the neck, motion sickness, bacterial infections of the ear and lack of oxygen to the brain. 

There are several types of medications can cause vertigo. such as quinine, streptomycin, and salicylates, are known to cause chronic inflammation of the inner ear. 

Vertigo can be divided into several types based on the cause, namely: 
1. Laryngea vertigo, dizziness because the coughing attacks. 
2. Vertigo nocturna, namely a sense as if it would fall at the beginning of sleep. 
3. Ocularis vertigo, dizziness is due to eye diseases, especially because of paralysis or muscle imbalance in the activities of the eyeball. 
4. Rotatoria vertigo, dizziness that is as if all around the body spinning. 

When you feel an attack of vertigo, there are some actions you can do: 
1. Inhale deeply, then close your eyes, and immediately find a position that allows you to lie down. If not possible, then immediately sat down. 
2. If you feel sick and want to throw up, then immediately seek the help of people around you to help you go to the toilet. 
3. When you lay down, maintain that position until the vertigo attack is reduced or lost. 
4. Open your eyes slowly and then try to tilt the body, or head move your head slowly. If by this action vertigo attacks were coming back, then that means you have to immediately close my eyes, or return to its original position. 

Treatment for this disease should be seen first type of illness. Medications to reduce mild vertigo that is meklizin, dimenhidrinat, perfenazin and scopolamine. Scopolamine primarily serves to prevent motion sickness, which is found in the form of skin patches with old working for a few days. 

All of these drugs can cause drowsiness, especially in the elderly. You can also take anti-vomiting medication. However, if the pain persists, you should call your doctor.

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