Friday, August 5, 2011

Recognize 5 Signs Pregnancy

In the first pregnancy, most women do not realize that she was pregnant. So do not be careful when doing activities that result in miscarriage. There are several signs of pregnancy:

1. Missed Menstrual Period
If you find your menstrual period is not long in coming few months, it could be that you are pregnant. But this is not a sure thing, it could be stress and other factors influence the hormone conditions that result in irregular menstrual schedule.

2. Often to the bathroom
Most women who were pregnant reported frequently 'commute' bathroom to urinate even when you sleep at night though. This is because the embryo has implanted in the uterus and begins to produce hormones during pregnancy, called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This hormone causes the frequency to urinate more often.

3. Tired
Extreme fatigue is an early sign of pregnancy. Fatigue caused by high levels of progesterone.

4. Morning Sickness.
Nausea is not just limited to the morning, but it also feels good on the day or night. Most pregnant women experience what is called morning sickness, the nausea and feel get drunk all day. Half of these women are sick, but others suffered dehydration and protein deficiency.

5. Changes in the Breast
If you are pregnant, your breasts will feel more supple when you press, but it also hurt. Changes that occur in your body typically will also change the shape of your breasts become larger. However, the pain will slowly disappear on its own.

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