Saturday, August 27, 2011

Using Positive Words to Avoid Stress

Have you ever felt more stress after saying a negative statement or when you hear a negative statement? Be careful with your word choice. Can the words add to the stress? Sure, the word is very influential. Statements of others can erode your confidence. Children for example, tend to believe the negative assessment of their parents or teachers, and compromising the concept in his mind about ourselves based on the assessment of others.

According to the researchers, a relationship can said healthy and last a long time if the ratio of positive and negative statements of 5:1. Therefore, never allow yourself to fall. But sometimes, the others erode your confidence and limit your potential. The way you speak, or words that you use in your heart when thinking can increase stress levels, limiting the potential, and coloring your experience with negative pen.

Here are some things that can erode the mind and the resources you can use to change your mind and master your thoughts:

Language coloring mind

The words you use can change the expectations of even your perception of reality. For example:

If your dentist says, "it would be very painful," then you are going through the inspection with more painful than if the doctor says "It will be a little less fun."

Research has shown people with different languages will see the same thing in different ways, based on words in their language that is used to describe these objects. For example, researchers found that language can affect one's perception of color.

As the word can color your understanding, self-negative words can also change the stress you experience in the following ways:

Improve understanding of stress

If you are thinking and saying negative things, you will find that everything you are getting more difficult and stressful. For example, if you tell yourself that if anything it was "difficult" or "unfair", then the work will be more difficult than if you tell yourself that it is a "challenge", or just an "experiment".

The words are optimistic will be far more beneficial in dealing with stress than with words that pessimistic. Research has proven, positive words will spark the creativity and even improve health.

Limiting ourselves

If you say "I cannot handle this", then most likely you will not be able to handle it. This is because your subconscious mind tends to believe he was hearing. You can limit your ability to express yourself "cannot", "this is too difficult" or "I should not try."

Limit your mind

When you declare yourself if you cannot cope with things (or thoughts that are limiting the other), you tend to stop looking for solutions. For example, consider the difference between states in yourself if you cannot handle something and ask yourself how you would handle it. Would not mind two more to bring hope and create creativity?

Stop negative thinking and create the habit of saying positive things to you. Good habits can reduce stress and strengthen you.

•  Tips Overcome Stress at the Office
•  Change Bad Habits with Hypnotherapy
•  Improve Life with Dancing Therapy

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