Saturday, August 27, 2011

Natural Treatment of Hypertension

High blood pressure or also known as hypertension is one risk factor for heart attack. If not controlled in time, then hypertension can trigger a variety of other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.Therefore, if already diagnosed with hypertension, it helps to take immediate treatment steps.
If you not prefer to use drugs, you can use natural medicines that also proved effective by scientific studies.

Symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension is difficult to detect because most have no symptoms. Thus, a person can suffer from hypertension for years without realizing it. Although hypertension usually has no symptoms, but some of the following symptoms associated with high blood pressure:

- Dizziness
- Headache
- Bleeding through the nose

Causes of hypertension

According to the American Heart Association, hypertension has no single cause. The disease is usually caused by a combination of various risk factors such as:

Weight. The greater your weight, then the pressure on the arteries becomes larger. This is because more blood is needed to provide oxygen and nutrients to tissues in body.

Exercise intensity. Lack of exercise tends to increase heart rate. Therefore, your heart must work harder with each contraction.

Tobacco. Chemicals found in cigarettes and tobacco can damage artery walls.

Sodium intake. Excessive levels of sodium in the diet can lead to fluid retention and high blood pressure. Especially in people sensitive to sodium.

Potassium intake. Low potassium levels can increase the levels of sodium in the cells. This is because both substances are balancing each other.

Stress. Stress can increase blood pressure.

Alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol intake continuously will increase the risk of heart disease.

Age. The risk of high blood pressure will increase with age.

Family history. High blood pressure often experienced by multiple people in one family.

Natural way to overcome high blood pressure

Lifestyle changes and natural way of healing can help control blood pressure. However, doctors may also recommend certain drugs that have function to lowers blood pressure. Should consult with a doctor, high blood pressure uncontrolled can damage organs in the body and increases the risk of heart attack, brain hemorrhage, kidney disease, and impaired vision.

Here are some natural cures that can be your choice:

1. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

There is some evidence to suggest that CoQ10 supplementation effectively lowers high blood pressure. A study examined 83 patients with systolic hypertension. In a study conducted over 12 weeks, patients were asked to use CoQ10 supplements (60 mg twice daily). The study shows, the group using CoQ10 supplements decreased systolic blood pressure of 17/08 mm HG.

Another study conducted at the University of Western Australia examined the impact of CoQ10 on blood pressure and glycemic control in 74 people with type 2 diabetes. Randomized participants were asked to use 100 mg of CoQ10 twice daily, 200 mg of the drug fenofibrate, both, or none, for 12 weeks.

The results showed that CoQ10 significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure (with a decrease of 6.1 mm Hg and 2.9 mm Hg). In addition, it was found also a decrease in HbA1C, a marker of long-term glycemic control.

2. Garlic

Of the seven experiments conducted with respect to garlic supplements found encouraging results. 3 trials showed that systolic blood pressure decreased significantly, while the other four trials showed a reduction in diastolic blood pressure significantly. The researchers concluded that garlic powder supplement may be used clinically in patients with mild and severe hypertension.

However, the use of garlic supplements should be under the supervision of a doctor. Just like aspirin, garlic can thin the blood (reduce the ability of blood to coagulate). Garlic may interact with many drugs blood thinners such as warfarin, pentoxifylline, aspirin, vitamin E and gingko. Patients are usually advised to discontinue use of garlic supplements a few weeks before and after surgery.

3. Hawthorn

Hawthorn Herbal remedies are also frequently used by practitioners of traditional herbal medicines to lower blood pressure. It is also proved by scientific studies conducted by researchers at Reading, England. The researchers randomly assigned 1200 mg of hawthorn extract per day or placebo to 79 patients with diabetes, for 16 weeks. Medication for high blood pressure was used by 71% of the patients.

At the end of the study, patients taking the hawthorn supplement had a diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly (2.6 mm Hg). In addition, there were no interactions with medications.

4. Fish oil

Early studies found that fish oil also affects high blood pressure. Fish oil supplements contain DHA (docohexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). There are several studies showing that the content of DHA function lowers high blood pressure.

5. Folic Acid

Folate is a B vitamin that is essential in the formation of red blood cells. Folate is believed to lower blood pressure by reducing levels of homocysteine, a substance that damages the blood vessels. A small study involving 24 smokers found that their blood pressure dropped significantly after the use of folic acid supplementation for 4 weeks.

•  Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
•  Beware of Complications Due to Hypertension
•  Overcome Obesity with Lipodissolve

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