Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eliminate Acne with Light Heat Energy (LHE) Therapy

Acne is a skin disorder which is a scourge for most people. Although not fatal, acne on the face can interfere with the appearance and make inferior. Light therapy heat energy (LHE) could be an alternative solution to overcome acne.

Acne affected by three major factors which are excess oil production by oil glands in the skin, clogging the hair root canals, and the presence of bacterial colonies Propinibacterium acnes (P acnes).

That three factors are the main cause of acne. Therefore, people who have certain conditions are prone to acne. For example people in adolescents who hit puberty, women in premenstruation period and under stress people. In these conditions, hormonal changes can trigger excess oil production by glands in the skin.

Naturally the oil glands located in the dermis layer of skin to produce oil continuously. In anatomy, the oil glands do not have special disposal channels. Oil gland production results released to the surface of the skin through the hair root canal.

For some reason, the hair root canal is closed, while oil production continues, there will be a buildup of oil in the hair root canal. Conditions that trigger the P acnes bacteria multiply rapidly to form colonies.

At the moment it would appear blackheads on the skin. If blackheads are not handled properly, P acnes will continue to grow and cause inflammation of acne arises. When acne is already formed, it needs immediate treatment according to severity. Mild acne can be treated with medication only while in more severe conditions treatment should combined with oral medications.

Light Therapy Heat Energy (LHE) Technology

In addition to drugs there are technologies that could be alternative, LHE acne. This technology utilizes the heat energy that can kill P acnes bacteria that cause acne.

Light Therapy Heat Energy (LHE) therapy uses light energy with a specific wavelength that is able to reach the dermis layer of skin.

Energy, he added, would kill P acnes bacteria. Thus, acne will be cured. Light Therapy Heat Energy (LHE) therapy is usually done for acne that has a high recurrence rate.Therapy that has 87% success rate is ideally performed twice a week for a month. Results achieved will last up to six months ahead.

•  Hormone and Light Therapy for Acne
•  Acne Home Remedies

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