Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Using Sunscreen Correctly

You certainly know the dangers of ultraviolet (UV) A and B can cause wrinkles and skin cancer. To reduce the risk, you could use a sunscreen.

Using sunscreen or sun block there were tips for ingredients in sunscreens are able to absorb effectively. How to use sunscreen correctly, the following tips:

1. Apply sunscreen about 15 to 30 minutes before you go out. For women, sunscreens can be used before applying makeup.
Use about two tablespoons of sunscreen to the entire body. Do not be too frugal to use it. A study showed that the only people who do not use enough sunscreen, will only get 10% to 25% protection sunscreen.

2. Do not forget to apply sunscreen to places that are often missed, such as ears, legs, rear legs, and the body folds. For lips, use lip balm which are specifically designed to protect from UV rays.

3. No matter how long a sunscreen to survive in the sun, apply sunscreen back at least 2 hours once, and use more frequently if you are sweating or getting wet.

4. Note the expiration date on the packaging. Sunscreen will lose its effectiveness if it is past expiration date.

5. Continue using sunscreen during the daytime, especially for those who work in the field. Dangers of UV rays are still threatened despite the cloudy weather, even when there is any possibility of rain the sun can still damage your skin.

6. In addition to using sunscreen, use clothes that support you in protecting the skin but still comfortable to use. Choose long-sleeved shirts, if possible take shelter when hot, use sunglasses ( usually black), avoid the hours where solar radiation is high, between 10 am and 4 pm and use a hat or scarf.

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