Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Breakfast Increase Learning Capacity

Familiarize breakfast in children is one positive thing that needs to be done. Because breakfast provides the energy they need in the morning when children learn through activities at school.

In order to optimize child development, children need three types of nutrition that is physical nutrition, nutrition, mental, and spiritual nutrition. Physical nutritional intake is given in the form of nutrients that could support the various activities of children.
There are six nutrients the child needs is complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat is a source of energy and then regulating substances such as vitamins and minerals and water. Within a day, a child needs approximately 2,000 kcal energy.

Results of research conducted by American researchers that Murphy, Pagano, Nachmani, Sperling, Kane, and Kleinman in 1998 and Meyer, Sampson, Weitzman, Rogers, and Kayne in 1989, shows breakfast can improve learning capacity, academic achievement, attention to task schools, and children's achievement.

Than 2,000 kcal required thousands of children, 80% distributed in the form of physical activity and rest in the form of mental activity.

Mental activity is produced by the brain. One thing that is unique, although it weighs only 2% of body weight, the brain consumes about 20% of the body's energy.

Therefore, children in the morning through school activities that deplete the mind should be provided with sufficient energy reserves through breakfast. In addition to physical nutrition, children also need spiritual nutrition. Spiritual nutrition can be given by presenting God to the child. On the other hand, nutrition is given through training the soul to think, choose, and make decisions.

One important thing that should not be missed is to give children the opportunity to perform physical activity. Physical activity is important in the process of child development because it allows them to control weight, train motor skills, muscle, heart, lungs, and bones, reducing blood pressure and increase good cholesterol, thus preventing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Physical activity can also improve self-confidence. To be beneficial for children, physical activity should be adjusted for age and child development, and varied, fun, and performed at least 30-60 minutes per day. One form of physical activity are usually preferred by children are playing. Therefore, there is no harm in allowing the baby to play with his friends at least 30 minutes per day.

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