Thursday, August 25, 2011

Smart Kids with Game, Music, and Language

Early stimulation is one important factor to optimize growth and development of children. Some components of the stimulatory effect on brain development of children, among others, play game, enjoy the music, and learn the language.

The results prove the children's brains at the golden age of 1-3 years are able to absorb knowledge easily. When the sponge is the brain child, environmental stimulation is water that can be absorbed quickly.

Child's brain consists of cells and nerve fibers. Stimulation of the environment obtained from the child's birth serves to form neural connections between cells as well as developing brain signals.

For infants, for example, stimulation can be provided through a caress, a chat, showing and touching objects moving and colorful. For children aged one year to over stimulation can be provided through various games.

Another way to stimulate children is through music. It has long been known that classical music can educate the child. What about other types of music?

So far there are only limited studies of classical music. However, when examined, the type of classical music helps brain development of children is a simple rhythm and soothing tone. Perhaps, other music that has a simple tone and the calming effect is also capable of stimulating a child's brain as well.

Variety of child benefits can be gained from music. Among other things, the music makes kids sleep, encourage the production of growth hormones, calm the body, muscles and nerves, as well as enhance the intellectual and emotional intelligence.

In addition, language learning is also one way of stimulating a child's brain. According to the results of the study, infants can absorb 13 million words spoken by his parents. But if parents are reluctant to take their baby talk, the numbers dropped to 62% or only 8 million vocabularies. That's why even babies cannot talk, it is important for parents to take her baby talk.

Children with language skills are less likely to express emotions through actions. As a result, children are often labeled as bad for doing rough. In fact, it happens because parents do not train language skills so that children cannot express frustration at his intention through words.

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