Friday, August 26, 2011

Seven Drugs Not For Children

Infants and children are more sensitive to drug reactions. It would be better when the baby or your child is sick; the drugs are administered from a given drug by prescription. But there are some things you should consider in giving medications to your child, here are seven types of drugs that should not be given to infants or children:

1. Aspirin

Never give aspirin to your child. Because aspirin may make babies prone to Reye's syndrome, which is a syndrome that can cause rare but fatal disease that can occur in children. Not all medicines for children either counter or at pharmacies free of aspirin.

For your convenience, the labels are often written or aspirin medication called salicylate or acetylsalicylic acid. If you are still skeptical about the content of these medicines, ask your doctor or pharmacist where you purchased the medication.

2. Anti Nausea

If your baby is often sick, do not give anti-nausea drugs either prescription or OTC anti-nausea drugs as risky and can cause complications, unless your doctor specifically recommends it. Usually the symptoms of nausea and vomiting in children did not last long; you can deal with symptoms of nausea and vomiting without using drugs.

3. Medicines for adults

There are some cases where when the child was stricken with fever, his parents instead of delivering drugs to adults with a quarter times smaller doses. No matter how small the dose you give, never use drugs for adults to your child. Not all content and the dose or doses according to your child's condition.

4. Drugs recommended in addition to doctors

Sometimes there are closest friends who recommend drugs that have cured the disease in their children or other colleagues. Do not you ever-so-right to their recommendations, use of drugs that are designed specifically for your child.

5. Expired Drugs

Immediately discard or destroy the drugs had expired, in order not consumed by others. It’s because after the date of its use, the drugs have no efficacy, even can be very dangerous if consumed.

6. Acetaminophen dose is added

Acetaminophen is a pain to function as a controller. The drugs are sold freely contain acetaminophen, either cough or cold, so be careful not to give additional doses of acetaminophen to your baby. Ask your doctor if you feel unsure of drug content to ensure that additional doses may be given and in accordance with your child.

7. Chew Tablet

Often when a child had a fever, we give chewable tablets that taste like candy. However unwittingly, tablet chewable drug can make a baby or child to choke. If you want to give the drug chewable, puree it first with a spoon so that children do not choke and does not need to chew.

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