Saturday, July 23, 2011

Preeclampsia Increases Baby Heart Disease Risk

BABIES whose mothers suffer from pre-eclampsia (pregnancy poisoning) have a greater risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease that is related to heart disease.

Preeclampsia, which is a relatively common pregnancy complication, or problems with the placenta can reduce oxygen levels received by the fetus. It slows the growth and damage to cardiovascular, metabolic, and endocrine system of infants.

The team from Cambridge University examined pregnancy with limited oxygen. They observed behavior in animals that were pregnant. They also observed changes in how the fetus grows when oxygen is limited and crucial changes in the body's key systems development.

Experts speculate that it may cause the baby to be born 'familiar' with the risk of disease and cardiovascular problems.

It is known that changes in maternal nutrition can affect fetal development and affect susceptibility to disease.

"But a successful study investigated how low oxygen levels in the womb may affect infant development," says lead researcher Dr Dino Giussani.

Giussani added that their study shows how changes in a number of available oxygen in the womb have a profound effect on fetal development. That is what causes early heart disease.

The researchers say their studies on animals suggest a possible way out. Damage caused by lack of oxygen can be improved by encouraging beneficial nutrients such as Vitamins C and E, selenium, and lycopene in the mother's diet.

Dr Giussani expressed hope for the nutrients that may stop the progression of heart disease since very early. He also expects the entry of drugs to prevent back into the womb.

Two studies conducted recently have shown a link between pre-eclampsia and maternal risk of cardiovascular disease progression. However, it remains unclear whether the condition itself is a risk factor or whether those who develop the condition during pregnancy are more prone to problems.

David Williams, a consultant gynecologist at the Institute for Women's Health, London, said babies born to women with pre-eclampsia during pregnancy treated smaller when compared with the average. He also said there is a clear link between birth weight babies, regardless of the cause, and increase the risk of future cardiovascular disease.

However, he warned the opposition uses antioxidant supplements as a way to prevent fetal growth restriction or pre-eclampsia. "Maybe a small amount of oxidant stress need for a healthy pregnancy," he explained.

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