Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hypnobirthing for Childbirth Without Pain

PAIN during childbirth could be caused by fear. However, the pain can now be reduced or even eliminated altogether. Through a process of relaxation exercises and methods of hypnobirthing, childbirth without pain

Anxiety in many adults today are a result of  their lives vibration record in the womb. In fact, babies in the womb needs to find rest and peace from his mother. Vibration like that that would be recorded until adulthood. 

In his book, Super Baby, Dr. Sarah Brewer revealed that excessive anxiety and stress during pregnancy is just as dangerous as pregnant women smokers. This situation can result in premature birth, learning disabilities, children become hyperactive, or even having autism.

 In several studies in Western countries show, pregnant women who followed the exercises had fewer complications compared with those not used to doing regular relaxation. The presence of excessive pain is more due to the tape in her subconscious. Just imagine, everyone always says that delivery was very ill.

Positive Program 

Hypnobirthing is a relaxation with the addition of suggestion through the sweep. Hands become a means to wipe the area under the breast to belly. Actually it has been done naturally by pregnant mothers when the fetus struggling in the womb. When that mother would rub the stomach while whispering soft words of calm. 

There are four steps that must be executed. 

1. Head tilted over the right shoulder and then rotated up above the left shoulder, right shoulder back to eight times the count. After that finger right on the shoulders rotated back eight times. Then the hands remain on the shoulders rotated forward as much as eight times as well. 

2. Muscle relaxation. Lying relaxed, arms at right and left side, right palm facing up. Then flex your foot to spread to the calves, thighs, hips, and chest. Shoulders drawn up and both hands clenched tightly. Forehead pursed, the tongue is pulled toward the ceiling. 

3. Relaxation breathing. In the state of lying down, breathing will be automatically pushed to the stomach. Breathe deeply through your nose while counting to 10. Then exhale slowly through your mouth, do it 10 times. 

4. Relaxation of mind, this step is represented by the eye senses. After a moment his eyes closed, slowly open your eyes while looking at a point just above the eyes, more and more relaxed eyelids, blinking, and the count of five eyes will close.

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