Thursday, October 27, 2011

Find Out Fertile Period For Pregnant

For those couples who had married a long time but have not been blessed with a baby, do not despair. There are several things you can do to the baby are you waiting for his presence would come up with cries that you missed.

There are several things that can be done by married couples (couples) to get the baby.

Do not have sex every day, normally 2 to 3 times a week. Because the number of sperm released in one time they had sex the millions, whereas only a single fertilized egg and ovulation for the egg to ripen itself takes time. In addition, let the sperm sac filled so that when fertilized by sperm produced by many.

Find a wife's fertile period. This fertile period can be calculated by using the calendar system. Remember the last time the wife of menstruation in the last 3 months, whether regular or not. Because when menstrual comes irregularities, it would be difficult to find the fertile period.

Calculation of fertile period based on when ovulation wife on the 14th day of the menstrual period to come. In mid-menstrual cycle period was reduced to two days (because sperm can live for 48 hours after ejaculation) and added 2 days (because the egg can live for 24 hours after ovulation).

For example, last menstrual period date with a menstrual cycle every 28 days, so the date of the next menstrual period is the date 28. Then the approximate time of ovulation wife was in the middle of the menstrual cycle period i.e. day 14. Thus, the fertile wife is at 12 to 16.

If some treatment or therapy, including taking vitamins had not yet produced results you could try insemination techniques. Which is fertilization in the body by injecting husband’ sperm into wife’s uterus.

Before placing into the uterus, sperm first "washed". Washed means the sort of good quality sperm and inject it into the wife's uterus, then pregnancy test will be conducted 16 days after the insemination process.

If the insemination process is less successful, you can try a technique In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or better known as IVF. IVF technique is a technique that brings the egg and sperm cells are carried out outside the body, and its conception is also done outside the body.

After the sperm are washed, reunited with eggs cell that have been taken from the ovary. Meeting of egg and sperm before will become the embryo and the embryo within 3-5 days earlier will be grown in a laboratory.

Later in the day-to-5 embryo earlier will be returned to the uterus (embryo transfer). A pregnancy test will be counted 14 days after the embryo is returned to the womb.

•  More Attractive in Fertile Period
•  Obesity Cause Infertility
•  10 Most Common Infertility Treatments

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