Friday, October 21, 2011

Egg Cell Freezing Technique

A method of storing human eggs that make women delay pregnancy can be found. The technique involves rapid freezing. The new technique is expected to help women who want to postpone pregnancy or fertility at risk of cancer. But a British expert warned, although this study is very interesting, further research is needed.

Actually freezing technique is not new. Although sperm and embryos are often frozen, thaw them with ease. How to freeze eggs earlier proved far from successful. Formation of ice crystals in the liquid in the egg can damage its structure, making it useless.

The latest study involved 200 pregnant women with vitrification eggs. Vitrification includes removal of water from the eggs, and then adds an antifreeze solution that freezes quickly in liquid nitrogen.

The results showed more than 95% of eggs survived the process. Meanwhile, with the older method, only 50% to 60% are able to survive. The method of freezing eggs is safe and effective will make the egg can be 'harvested'. The result of ‘harvest’ is then used to generate IVF pregnancies in the future.

In addition to the desire to delay pregnancy beyond age 30's and 40's, some women use this technique for medical reasons, maybe if they encounter a cancer treatment that makes them infertile or premature menopause.

Females have a fixed number of eggs a lifetime. However, fertility has declined sharply since the late 30s. At that age, number of eggs declined. So, it's clear how important the existence of this invention for women who want to delay their pregnancies.

No need to worry about side effects. Researchers from McGill University in Montreal found that the number of birth defects among 200 pregnant women using eggs that vitrification is 2.5%. Roughly the same percentage with natural pregnancies and IVF.

Dr Allan Pacey, Secretary of the British Fertility Society (BFS), said more study is needed before deciding on a type of safety procedures.

He added, though BFS does not have a policy of use of egg freezing for reasons of 'social', he personally felt no ethical problem with offering an opportunity for women to plan a new family in this way.

Later, they also hope to offer freezing of sperm in men for the same reason. He does not feel to see a big difference between the two. Is not it time men and women have equal opportunities?

1 comment:

  1. A lot of importance is given to the Egg Freezing technique that helps women to preserve their eggs for future use. This technique is also called as oocyte freezing and has been used by many people.

    Egg Freezing Cost(s)


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