Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Myths about Pregnancy

Have you heard some myths about pregnant women? Sure you will feel anxious to eat a variety of foods; it could be the food you should avoid is foods that you consume for the health of the fetus.

1. Drinking ice make a big baby

Actually, the baby will be born of the prediction can already be predicted early through regular prenatal care in both midwives and obstetricians. Babies big born is still common in some areas of the world.

Big baby (macrosomia) is babies born with weight above 4 kg. Major factors causing a baby big born could be due to factor itself. Or it could also be caused because the mother who suffered from diabetes mellitus due to malfunction of the hormone insulin that makes the baby is born big, or because of genetic abnormalities that can also affect the occurrence of major birth.

Thus, pregnant women who drink ice have nothing to do with babies born large.

2. Eating durian cause disorders of pregnancy

It is known that durian can create a rise in blood cholesterol levels and the number of calories that is high enough, and does not contain the equivalent vitamin for pregnant women. There has been no research on this subject, it would be better if the expectant mother to choose foods that have high nutritional value, and not too fattening.

3. Eat spicy food caused quickly birth.

In fact, pregnant women do not have any specific dietary restrictions. But, there are foods that should be avoided, such as eating from a very soft cheese or cheese from raw milk. These foods are feared fast decay, so it contains bacteria called lysteria. The bacteria are often associated with the causes of miscarriage or premature labor.

4. Coffee can cause miscarriage

The study says, if pregnant women drink more than six cups of caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, colas and chocolate) per day, risk of miscarriage. Provided that portion is not excessive, are not problematic to the fetus. However you should avoid foods or drinks that contain caffeine.

5. Green coconut water drink made of pure white-skinned baby

During pregnancy, the need for water is increasing. So it’s good to drink water, including drinking coconut water. Coconut water contains electrolytes, which makes the body fit.

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