Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tips to Quit Smoking

You often promise to yourself to quit smoking. Starting today, you decided to stop sucking tobacco is much detrimental to the health of your body. But what happens, you are tempted by a cigarette and cancel your intention to live healthier.

Not easy, but with strong intention and given the dangers posed sure you can eliminate your smoking habit. There are a few tips you can do to stop from the bondage of cigarettes:

  1. Consult the matter to the supervisor of health or physician to develop a smoking cessation program that suits you
  2. Determine the time to start the day without a cigarette, and stick to what you have specified. (Lower is better)
  3. Ask family, friends, parents, coworkers, even your neighbors to support what you do
  4. Dispose of all products made from tobacco and the like, so you never tempted to eat again
  5. Divert your attention and your desire to smoke with positive things, such as recreation, reading books, exercising, or sleeping.
  6. Consumption of nutritious food, nutritious and has enough vitamins for endurance and stamina of your body
  7. Always think positive and avoid stress, because most smokers say they smoke because of depression, and stress.

Easy enough right? A considerable sacrifice indeed, but you will be satisfied smile when you are able to cope.

•  Change Bad Habits with Hypnotherapy
•  Stop Smoking with Acupressure
 Cigarettes vs Erectile Dysfunction

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