Tuesday, August 9, 2011

6 Healthy Foods For Women

For women, it looks like the foods below is required to meet basic nutrition, and even can also be combined with your diet, as described in webMD site.

1. Low-fat yogurt. Not just yogurt, nutritionist Elizabeth Somer, MS, RD, author of Age-Proof Your Body said, products that are fermented contain healthy probiotics, the bacteria with the ability to protect you in many ways.

"There is a suggestion that yogurt can reduce your risk of breast cancer," says Somer. "And there is strong evidence that yogurt can reduce the problems associated with the stomach irritation syndrome and inflammation of the digestive system disease - both of which happen to women more than men." Basically, she says, yogurt can help reduce the risk of ulcers in the stomach and vaginal infections.

Yogurt is best eaten at breakfast, lunch, or snacks, with three serving low-fat yogurt every day. Yogurt also contains calcium which is good for healthy bones, something that is required of every woman at any age. One cup of yogurt contains 448 milligrams of calcium, compared with eight ounces of skim milk only contains 300 milligrams of calcium.

2. Fish with omega-3 fats, such as Salmon, Sardines, and Mackerel. Factor which healthful in fish is omega-3 fatty acids, and specifically on two types are known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

"Fish that contain fat not only plays an important role in the health of every cell membrane in our bodies, it also helps protect us from some of the health threat," says Laurie Tansman, MS, RD, CDN, a nutritionist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. As the threat of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, depression, joint pain, and some diseases associated with inflammation, including lupus, and rheumatoid joints

3. Beans. These foods are a source of good protein and fiber, low in fat and can be protective against heart disease and breast cancer. Beans also play a role in balancing the female hormones, says nutritionist Susan Krause, MS, RD.

Other types of nuts can also reduce the impact of cardiovascular disease, or diseases associated with heart and blood vessels. Beans can also help lower cholesterol. Levels of nutrients in the beans, known as isoflavones can help regulate hormones and can overcome the symptoms of pre-menstruation (PMS), per menopause, or menopause. If you're in the reproductive years, beans can provide a supply of folic acid, which is important if you want to get pregnant.

4. Red fruit. Sources of nutrients in red fruit such as tomatoes, watermelon, red grapes and red navel oranges are lycopene. These fruits with the nutrient content in it and antioxidants can protect against the impact of prostate cancer, breast cancer, and heart attacks. Recent studies also indicate tomatoes and other fruits can make you look younger for longer by protecting against the dangers of UV rays from the sun.

5. Vitamin D. Vitamins are contained in many low-fat milk or orange juice is good for the bones and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and could be important in reducing the risk of diabetes, a variety of sclerosis, and tumor / breast cancer, colon, and uterus.

Although vitamin D is also found in salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines, experts say foods like milk, is the best source.

6. Give fruit (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries). These fruits can protect your body with nutrients that strong anti-cancer, known as anthocyans, which is believed to play a role in cell repair. These berries also contain high vitamin C and folic acid, which is essential for every woman in the reproductive years.

Fruits also contain a powerful antioxidant, which can not only protect the heart but also may protect against aging of the skin, from within and from outside. In addition, cranberries can also reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in women, whereas nutrients, namely lutein, found in all berries that can protect eyesight.

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