Monday, August 8, 2011

Ten Tips Avoid Cancer

Cancer is a disease of cells. This disease arises from cells in a part of the body. In 2000, more than 10 million new cases of cancer diagnosed and 6 million people died from cancer worldwide. To avoid the risk of cancer, there are ten tips that you can do to prevent yourself from the danger of cancer.

1. Stop Smoking

Smoking is the biggest cancer risk factor as well as the main cause of lung cancer and nearly 30% of the causes of other cancers.
Smoking during pregnancy is very dangerous for the baby.

2. Avoid contact with Sunshine

Contact with excessive sunlight can cause damage to the skin of, and may cause skin cancer. To anticipate the sting rays Ultraviolet (UV) A and B, use a sunscreen when going to travel. Use long-sleeved shirt, hat or umbrella when the weather is very hot.

3. Reduce fatty foods

Foods that contain lots of lead to weight gain and obesity-related cancer in the womb, breast, gynecologic bile and colon (large intestine). Reduce your food that contain lots of fat and control your weight and exercise to reduce cancer risk.

4. Expand Fiber Foods

Wheat, rice, vegetables and fruits are a source of natural fiber that is very good and protects you from colorectal cancers. Corn, chicken, apples, peer, tomatoes and spinach are also fiber-containing foods should be consumed every day.

5. Reduce Consumption of Smoked Foods, burnable and preserved with nitrite.

Esophageal and gastric cancer is more common in countries whose inhabitants consume lots of processed foods by evaporation or preserved with nitrites. In baked foods known to contain substances that increase cancer risk is higher.

6. Choose Foods That Contain Vitamin A and C

Vitamins and other important natural substances contained in vegetables and fruits that can protect us from various types of cancer. Fruits such as oranges, bananas, mangoes, papayas, tomatoes, carrots and broccoli are also a source of essential vitamins and such.

7. Eat more vegetables cabbage

Research shows that vegetables are included in the cabbage, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy and kale can protect us from gastric cancer, and cancer colorectal airway.

8. Avoid alcoholic drink

Reduce your drinking habits of alcoholic beverages, because it can increase the risk of liver cancer and stomach. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages will only increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus.

9. Consult regularly

Regular health checks are a good first step to be aware of the disease as early as possible. In addition, you also need regular attention to changes in your body, for example a lump in your breast, that voice becomes hoarse, abnormal bleeding, and so on. If you see changes in yourself, see your doctor.

10. Live a balanced lifestyle

Eat regularly with adequate and balanced nutrition, regular exercise, avoiding cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, adequate rest, recreation and always close to God is the best way to reduce cancer risk.

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