Sunday, July 17, 2011

Slim by Eating Healthy

MANY ways to lose weight. Usually people will focus on choosing healthy foods that can help you lose weight. Is this the right way? 

According to experts Psychologists behavioral, rather than focusing choosing healthy foods, it is better to focus more to find the reasons why you eat unhealthy foods. If you've found the root of the problem, surely you can handle it more easily.

Here are some triggers unhealthy eating patterns according to the results of expert studies the behavioral Psychologists: 

Practicality is a major factor in determining food choice. If you do not like to cook, surely will directly choose fast food. 

Access is very easy if you put the candy in a position to reach the hand, it will be difficult to hold. If the candy was placed in a cabinet away from you, then you will definitely eat less. If not home, the possibility of taking them will also decrease. 

The incidence of excessive eating is not triggered by hunger or food taste delicious, but the avid emotional and psychological. 

Large portions will make you eat more (even if you do not spend it). Well there is no relationship between breakfast, lunch, or dinner. For example, eating large portions during the day will not make you eat less at night

Actually we eat or drink more than half-filled a large container than from a small container filled. But, you might think otherwise. 

To overcome this problem, here are some ways that you can try: 

1. Learn to distinguish between hunger and food craze 
To distinguish between hunger with food craze, spend ten minutes before eating anything. If in this time you decide to do other activities and realize that you're not hungry, it means that the sign craze. But if hunger persists, eat. 

2. Overcome with guilt 
Everyone love the food, but we try to resist temptation and guilt, this will make you feel bad about yourself. You certainly can not enjoy food if it should continue to count calories of food consumed. All you need to do is implement healthy eating habits. That way you can practice naturally and eating with the right portion without having to think hard about the amount of food calories. 

3. Chew food before swallowing 
Chewing food not only helps the digestive process, but also helps move food. This method can also help you reduce your food intake. Those who eat fast tend to put as much food as possible without allowing the stomach to signal satiety. By chewing, you can realize a sense of satiety and better know when to stop eating. 

4. Consumption of foods that make you feel comfortable 
Learn to recognize and incorporate foods that make you feel healthier than foods that actually make you feel guilty. Foods such as vegetables and fruit will make you feel better. Being too much sugar can make you depressed and too much corn can make flatulence. 

5. Consider the portion 
Try using a cup and spoon to compare the size you normally eat with the sizes listed on food labels. To practice portion control eating, try to balance meals and snacks with a variety of healthy foods. Eat foods that you like, but do not forget portion control. 

6. Recognize the emotional hunger and physical hunger 
Physical hunger is a physiological process that appears every 3-4 hours. If it does not respond to hunger, then hunger will disappear and the body begins to slow down to conserve energy. While the emotional hunger include the Desire to eat when sad, happy, anxious, or bored. Distinguishing these two things can prevent you from overeating.

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