Friday, October 28, 2011

Secrets of Women Who Always Look Fit

They are not cold during the rainy season and no fever when dry. They avoid the attack of germs and not diarrhea when many people hit by the disease. Are you hoping to be one of these mighty women?

Try one or more better if it all, the secrets of the following:


Do the massage once a month. Many studies show that massage can reduce anxiety levels, blood pressure, and heart rates. This decrease will lower your stress level, and this is one key to building immunity.

Bathing with cold water

There are still many health professionals who have not advocated cold water baths. But Mary Ann Bauman, MD, author of Fight Fatigue: 6 Simple Steps to Maximize Your Energy says that there is no danger of trying to shower with cold water.

According to her a cold shower can increase stamina, tackling the headaches, reducing pain, improving blood circulation, and make women more graceful moves. There are also opinions that say that a cold shower is the secret behind the beauty of French women breasts.

Consumption of ginger for digestive problems

For centuries, ginger has become a drug used to treat digestive problems. The researchers believe the content of ginger can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, increases intestinal muscle pressure, and helps move food through the digestive tract.

Ginger in small quantities (less than 1000 mg) is also good consumed in a short period during pregnancy.

Ginger can be consumed by mixed with tea, or also great when eaten fresh.

Wash hands

Wash your hands with soap and wash your hands using warm water for 20 seconds. Scrub all parts of your hands, not just the palm of the hand; also check the cleanliness of nails because the nail is often a place of dirt stuck. Dry hands with a towel as well as provide a different towel for each family member.

The habit of washing hands can reduce the risk of disease caused by the bacterium E. coli and salmonella.

Enough of vitamin C and iron consumption

Although the benefits of vitamin C and iron to prevent the flu is still controversial, some studies suggest that vitamin C is very useful especially for people who experience severe stress, and iron can prevent viruses reproduce themselves. Experts say there is no harm in trying.

Neil Schachter, MD, director of the handling of respiration (respires care) Sinai Medical Center in New York City recommends to consume 500 mg of vitamin C every day of the early symptoms of influenza.

Increase consumption of garlic

Garlic is rich in antioxidants that can boost immunity and help fight inflammation.

If you are worried about bad breath due to garlic, you're not alone. That is normal. However, up to two cloves per day limit is still safe.

Think positive

In one study, participants with a solid brain activity, but combined with a positive attitude produces a number of antibodies to the flu more. Another study showed that people with a more cheerful disposition produce more antibodies in response to vaccination.

Anna L. Marsland, PhD, director of the Laboratory of Immune Habit (Behavioral Immunology Laboratory) from the University of Pittsburgh said that investigators found no clear relationship between positive attitudes to the production of antibodies. But, they really know that the brain communicates with the immune system, and vice versa.

If you do not always think positive, at least you can learn to reduce negative thinking attitude. Do not focuses on the symptoms when you are sick, and try to avoid the worst assumptions like, I always get sick at times like this every year.

But try to focus on your strengths and how it feels when you use it. Slowly, you will realize that positive thinking is far more valuable than negative thoughts. Maybe you'll soon change your personality.

Washing the nose, that sounds dirty but it works

Provide warm water, mixed with a little salt. Then tilt the head with his left nostril at the bottom, and then pour the solution into the right nostril. Wash solution was then going to a lot of snot out of the left.

Researchers from the University of Michigan found that in this way is much more effective than saline sprays (saline spray) to limit the incidence of malignancy and its frequency of sinusitis problems.

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